06/20/2019 by


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Categories: fiction, poems, Tags: , , , , , ,

Down by the river

a bridge, connecting the land to its water into one body

Made from rainy day concrete

With two hobbit hole, one for the begin and one for  the end,

like open doors silently beckoning you

into  realms  unknown

I watch, perched on  smooth stepping stones invisible to the world except for the birds in the sky or

the furry four legged creatures amongst the tress,

These humans cross the bridg

e;  walk holding hands, gazing dreamily at the rushing river or biking,

impatiently zipping in and around people going to slow

Oh, how as they stare out wistfully at into the aquamarine currents they desire something more than

this bitter reality to be stuck in,

To be torn apart like a black hole

I laugh at their innocence, Stupid humans indeed, for if only they knew the very bridge they stand

on is the answer to their burning questions,

That they were standing on a living, breathing time machine

But as they walk from under the looming grand archways of the bridge, unseeing the flashes of

galaxies and time portals,

of creatures only dreamed about in fictitious books,

of otherworldly spacecrafts,

of perfect societies built on technology,

of wars, not the kind humans think of

with uncivilized weapons and unnecessary blood shed,

all wasted on land to scarred to use or imperfect people now gone

I used to be one of them

‘busy’, chasing aimlessly something that once I grabbed hold of it turned to empty hot air and

disappeared over the cliff

Until one day on the bridge I saw everything for what it was

While people jostled past my still form

under the arch way like an open door beckoning

I saw glimpses, eons of portals, a tantalizing draw

I didn’t hesitate to step inside

So to everyone around me

I simple vanished, was never even there


I was inspired to write this poem when we went on a river walk and on the patio of Angel’s I say the bridge and though how much the archways looked like hobbit holes. I wrote a snippet of it in my journal but then I lost the page  but I really liked the idea I had so I had to majorly improvise.  This version is not the greatest but It’s ok I guess.






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One Response to idontwannabehereanymore

  1. simran38

    Dear Savannah,

    I loved your piece! I liked the theme of wanting to go to the unknown and I liked your vocabulary you used in general! One thing I would say is to just run through it for small little GUMPs.

    Simran C.

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