M ~ Mall

The sidewalk is a vein. Follow it, its grey washed color stained and faded from rain and feet and little things. Ahead people cluster in groups; they are the cholesterol creating plaque along the vein’s grey lining, causing the flow of people to clog.  One by one they squeeze through, never veering from the grey . Up the hill, trees line the horizon. In the distance, the grey vein twists and turns leading to   the pulsing heart; the mall.  The sidewalk ends where smooth tile flooring begins. Bodies gush in and split off, letting the force people pull them to the center, the food court. Tables, some of two some of four, clumped together or sitting alone.  Anything your craving, it lines the wall like soldiers ready for war. From the center pathways like veins branch out; let the flow carry you.  Noise is impossible to describe; like one homogenized sound, a buzzing silence; the talking, whispering, screaming, laughing, no words can describe it.  People move past, keeping the flow. The sun shines through like an open wound.  The blood doesn’t mind it of course, people move along with their lives like the continuing flow of blood to the heart.


L ~ Lavatory

Help! I’m stuck in a Starbucks bathroom and its actually really nice in here. Cool stone tiling covers the floor. A gleaming white toilet sits in the corner. There’s a huge mirror, dark oak paneling  and a diamond chandelier?!! This day was going pretty good UNTIL I stupidly decided to ditched class with a friend.   As soon as the bell rang we hightailed it out of there and practically flew to the shopping center. We walked around for a bit and stumbled into a talent show audition. Unfortunately the crowds were super bad so by the time I pushed, squeezed and shoved my way through the crowds my friend was gone. No Biggy, I throw her a text , where r u??.  I look up for a second and spot my friend standing by a legging kiosk with her arms crossed. I raise my hand to wave at her but drop it in shock and feel my blood curdle.  Standing beside my friend is ME?! Fake me has my same wavy dreads, light brown eyes, upturned nose, ruddy skin and the EXACT same clothes I ‘m wearing; faded ripped jeans and a t-shirt. Fake Me meets my shocked and panicky stare and, I swear this happened, HER EYES GLOWED. I freaked out and bolted to the nearest bathroom I could find. So here I am, curled in the corner inside a Starbucks bathroom trying to process what the hell just happened. And the best part? I think I’m stuck in here for awhile as Starbucks closes at 9 and its currently 9:30.


F ~ Funfair

Last night she went to the funfair. About a 20 minute drive north; past running flat land, rolling hills, fields full bearing the fruit of the earth. The horizon follows her; that thin line between light reality and harsh imagination.  She knew she reach it by the tall purple light house that reached up and grazed the sky. Parking was a pain, naturally and everyone seemed to read everyone’s mind. The brightly lit arched entryway beckoned her; it reached out an arched hand and gently lead her inside.  It left her in the center of it all so she stood there; listening, watching, dreaming, imagining. The sound, not sounds as there was only one sound. It was silent but not quite; a mix of the sound of the rides, of the people breathing and talking and laughing and screaming, of the wind and of her thoughts all wrapped up into one sound.  Last night she dreamed that a forest was born. Out of the ground skyscraper tall grass sprouted.  Roller coaster tracks melted into thick green vines twisting and turning to the sky. Trees rained from the sky. The lighthouse grew a bean stalk, its foliage covered the funfair like an umbrella, engulfing the fair in green darkness. Last night she dreamed that the fair was alive.  Her good friend the entrance was her guide. It lead her by the hand and showed her the fair.  Air balloons sprouted wings and flew to the moon. The roller coaster grew legs and walked off the earth. The boat was a fiery dragon and carried its passengers away.  People turned into trees, their features carved into bark, and kissed with leaves. Last night she dreamed that she was a fairy. She was perched on the lighthouse stalk and watched the chaos of her doing. Her never ending hair flowed, delicately pointed ears glowed, her wings fell off and she slept a thousand year death, destined to be waken by her prince.

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