03/22/2019 by

Metal and Rust: A guide to Steampunk


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Imagine the motions of gears and oil turning and turning , slowly but purposefully  generating a science fantasy technologically designed 19 century era hidden and buried to most of the world. it only shows it face to those who dare to take an ancient, long abandoned path.  This retro futuristic world is built on technology from steam power while revolving around a strange era long forgotten. But nothing stays hidden for long and suddenly that world is dragged into the spotlight. That world is steampunk

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Steampunk is a hybrid  literary genre that combines historical elements with anachronistic technological features inspired by science fiction. The inspiration is derived from the Victorian era  (1837-1901).

It started out as a science-fiction sub-genre in the 1970s but its fundamental inspirations go all the way back to 19th century Victorian writers, among other things.


Steampunk  has very philosophical ideologies. The”punk” referring to post-nihilistic views basically refusing to adhere to the dystopian  vision of the future with an air of anti authoritarianism by rejecting rigid societal norms. The steampunk philosophy also rejects  industrialization and big business (mass production). The “steam” refers to the steam powered and inspired  technology. It encourages creativity, individuality and  remains optimistic, clinging to the idea that the past inspires the future. As no one is or was really in charge, it has devolved as a self generating and self conserving  movement that is not contained by time, space or rules. And unlike a lot of sub cultures, steampunk is very eco friendly as the idea of recycle, reuse and  repurpose. The ideology of steampunk is rejecting mass production and instead making everything more traditionally, which makes each thing unique and  steampunks are able to live a sustainable lifestyle.



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Dime novels

Steampunk was plucked from  a specific genre of Dime Novels from the 19th century. Dime Novels were very popular during this time because these novels were cheap. They were often targeted at lower-income readers and  people with less sophisticated tastes. The plots were full of melodramatic romance, adventure and retro-futuristic technology.  The word ” steampunk” was first penned as a tongue in cheek  derived from cyberpunk by  author K.W Jeter. Story goes he was trying to find a word to describe works by himself and other authors with  Victorian setting, alternate universes and steam inspired technology.

Jules Verne 20000 Leagues Under the Sea, Mary Shelly  Frankenstein and  H.G Wells The Time Machine are considered the founding fathers of steampunk as their works described alternate universes with anachronistic technologies in Victorian settings.  The steampunk genre in literature today includes fiction with science fiction, fantasy or horror themes. a sub genre of speculative fiction, usually set in an anachronistic Victorian or quasi-Victorian alternate history setting.

Image result for jules verneImage result for the time machineImage result for steampunk trilogyImage result for mary shelley books

Some early steampunk books

Fashion is a very important aspect of steampunk and  though there are no set guidelines, there are a few must haves. Googles, gears, gloves, top hats, leather, metals, clocks etc. are all aspects that make up a typical steampunk look. It essentially mixes elements of modern fashion, 19 century clothing, post apocalypse and retro futuristic technology.

Within steampunk there are a number of personas or steamsonas  which  are character archetypes that are recurring and recognizable. W hen building a costume it is essential to start with a well know steamsonas and then expand and manipulate it to your liking.  In the steampunk genre, this character is usually a main character with a recognizable style of dress or equipment. There are a few typical steampunk archetypes:


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-outfits should  look like they were cobbled together from things they “found” (stole

–  spend their time aboard airships

-personality ranges from goodhearted to malicious

– pirate hats, googles, vision enhancers, navigation things, variety of weapons



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-the noble live  a rich life of pleasure

-personality range from selfish to nice , sophisticated

-formal clothes, corsets, too big or small hats, rich colors and fabrics, cane, expensive jewelry other expensive  things , lace,  pocket watches, shoes

-either dress  over the top or very tasteful




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-little girl or porcine doll look

-very innocent

-taken from  Japanese style manga mixed with steampunk

lace, gloves, knee cap skirts, bows and ribbons, caps



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-coordinated  outfit with reminiscent of formal wear

-adventurous spirit

-variety of weapons, body armour, communication devices, pouches and belts, parasol/cane



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-range from mad scientist to cool researcher

-lack social skills

-googles, microscopes, gloves, Tesla coils, science equipment, lab coats, weird and wacky inventions, tools



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dirty  jobs or no job

-homeless, criminals, street urchins, beggars,

-dirtiness ties everything together, broken down, used gadgets

-patchwork,  scavenged clothes



femme fatale


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-seduction to secure what they need/want

-tight and revealing clothes

-lace, rich fabrics, hats



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-leather flying cap or gas mask, flight helmet, googles, leather boots, armed against pirates

-rouge or military personality


hunter /fighter

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-western look, outfitted with weapons

-lots of leather and canvas

-depends on what type of hunter, weapons will vary


There are many more archetypes  but these are the most popular. Some people take pop culture characters and steampunkify them.

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 steampunk Star wars cosplayers

Steampunk music started emerging in the early 2000’s. It is very broad and hard to define but its genres include: dark cabaret, punk, opera, prog rock, big band, new wave, barbershop, world music, industrial, folk, orchestra, gypsy, gothic, rag time to name a few. the lyrics are written in like in Victorian times with the culture and  deal with common themes like machinery, airships, science, history, future, and anti industrialization and the past. Most of steampunk bands dress in steampunk inspired costumes and are know for their electric stage shows (all the instruments look steampunk) and play very unusual and exotic instruments. Some like Abney Park create steamsonas and each have created a character  based on fiction which incorporates elements of storytelling.


Some songs and bands that would be considered steampunk

In 1954 Walt Disney’s 20000 leagues under the sea kickstarted the visualisations of steampunk into film and art. There is a delicate balance between form and function. Ironically, 19 century reformers rejected machines and industrial technologies altogether but today modern steampunk has a more open view of technological advances. Basically modern things have been modified into a steampunk style which is mostly DIY crafts that mix digital media with traditional handmade art.


Steampunk has been established a an underground subgenre and a very popular culture and life style. Steampunks frequently gather at social events and conventions such as Steamcon, Saloncon, Renaissance festivals and Comic Cons give steampunks the chance to dress up and meet other steampunks. They also meet and communicate on online forums and chat sites such as Brass googles and even create local  clubs and events to bring steampunk fans together.

Image result for steamconImage result for renaissance fairsImage result for comic con steampunk day

Some cons and fairs steampunks attend


The Steampunk movement reaches directly into the pocket of Victorian England and predicts what the world would be like today had its inhabitants and inventors prevailed over modern technology. It is constantly a culture of ‘what ifs’; what if the Victorian age never got around to industrialization? What if the future was mixed with the past? It mixes time and culture into unique and new creations.  In the words of  George Mann,  steampunk is nostalgia for a time that never was.




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3 Responses to Metal and Rust: A guide to Steampunk

  1. movielover2424

    Dear Savannah:

    This was a thoroughly entertaining piece on such a fantastical topic. I have to admit I wasn’t interested in steam punk before but reading this changed that. Your constant use of the terms isn’t grating but shows off your clear passion for the art of steampunk. Your explanation of the history was easy to follow and the facts sprinkled through out about the different kinds of characters paired with pictures was a nice visual text book style touch.

    A few grows I have would be to watch out for run on sentences. You tend to have quite a few. A would also recommend a grammar check. It didn’t distract from the reading a whole lot but there were still things like commas and spelling which needed fixing. Your visuals were amazing but you put a few too many songs. I think just one would have served your purpose of explaining steampunk. Too many songs can distract from the actual information and often when reading articles people may just skip the video’s entirely. All in all you made me interested in something I didn’t know would be so interesting. Bravo. =)



  2. hefseeba557

    Dear Savannah,

    Wow, what an amazing featured article! Clearly it is you area of expertise and one could learn a lot about steampunk through this piece. I admire your diligence in completing your featured article with such great detail. Prior to reading this, I had minimal knowledge in steampunk, so thank you for enlightening me =). Although there are many things to praise and acknowledge, I would like to specifically commend you on doing a good job of capturing the reader’s interest through the use of images, fun facts, and interesting phrases.

    As for improvements, I don’t have much to offer other than the organization and presentation of the article. You have covered various topics of the steampunk genre; perhaps centralize the titles or underline them so the are identifiable. You can also try to centralize the images – just to give the article a wholesome look you know? But again, this is your article, if the current layout was intentional, please ignore my comment!! Other than that just be careful of GUMPS; we all make mistakes (I do it a lot!!), but just give a read through to avoid these in the future. I noticed a couple of capitalization errors, punctuation, and unnecessary repetition. But these are easily fixable and nothing to worry about!

    Once again Savannah, you did an amazing job with this piece! Looking forward to reading more of you brilliance!


    • the.canadian.jean Post author

      Dear Hefseeba
      thanks for reading and I’m happy that I further expanded your knowledge of steampunk :). I try to use lots of visuals in my work as I get bored very easily and I will go back and re edit out the gumps

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