Perfection.  The one thing we as humans never had the chance to experience.  The camera focuses on the man sitting upright in a straight black chair behind a small oak desk. A  solid black rectangular visor covered his eyes.  So we lived; our imperfect, mistake ridden, greedy, bloodthirsty, animalistic, ravenous, disgusting, vainglory, unnatural, tainted bodies lived day and night. We populated the land like a silent disease; savagely ripping big gaping holes in the environment, gross overpopulation, sickening pollution which slowly tainted the very water and nourishment supply. Until, we almost irreversibly damaged the very planet meant to protect us. He laughed a bitter, harsh laugh. The rich just got richer while the poor were pushed beyond the borders of money.  The man spoke in a monotone voice, lips perfectly in sync with dead words that forcefully pushed their way out of his mouth like thick black smoke. The windows behind the man displayed pictures of a world on a path to destruction; deformed animals, overcrowded cities, chemical spills, ravaged landscapes, starving poor people. Continue reading →