06/04/2018 by

June.W just wants to have fun


Categories: poems, Tags: , , , , , , , ,

Be sophisticated, 

Be modest. 

You shall not play baseball anymore! 

It isn’t typical young girl to be so improper! 

You are far from being a lady. 

What a spoiled girl, always getting in trouble, they gossiped.

Why should one stop doing the activities they love to satisfy society?

June was never known for being particularly ladylike. 

She saw no value in being a lady, when she could play baseball and hockey. 

She worked at the local drug store, reading off prescriptions.

June was the kind of person that would get up at 4:30 in the morning on 
Mothers Day to sell daffodils.

She would tell people that if you watered them 
they would be good until Christmas. 

June had a great sense of humor.

Putting on roller skates to be more efficient was how June rolled; 
using the old noggin.

She was always playing some sort of sport, and 
was friends with every single girl on the basketball team. 

With a chuckle, June reminiscences, 
she feels like those times were some of the most special in her life.

Working with her best friend at the drugstore never got boring.

June and Ann, Ann and June. 

two peas in a pod.


Walking round the neighborhood hand in hand, they would pass the drug store, 
and wave at the mailman doing his rounds. 

He always acted like a gentleman, never failing to give his greeting. 

Whenever they would miss a walk, he would send June a letter; 
wishing she was there. 

She still sees him at the drugstore, now and then.

June was a teenager that always just enjoyed having a good time. 

She saw great value in having fun and meeting new people. 

She always followed her heart, 
and was not afraid to break a few rules to do this. 

Soon, June married a wonderful man. 

She fell for him but it was a love not readily returned.

June was a lady that knew how to get her way, 
and was quite successful because of this skill. 

Born March 31st, 1928.

Josephine June wood,  lovingly named by her dad.

Two kids, Debra and Leonard

Now both at her beck and call.

Lately, June and her son go on long walks for ice cream.

Of course, she makes him pay because it always tastes better that way.

From: Savannah and Caprice

We thank you June for gifting us your time and sharing memories from  long ago
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4 Responses to June.W just wants to have fun

  1. movielover2424

    Dear Savannah and Caprice

    I have to admit I don’t usually find peoples life stories to be very interesting. Not out of disrespect they just aren’t my cup of tea. I guess I just needed to find the write one…which this was. You made it very clear in the poem just how different June was maybe even considered a little odd by other people. I applaud you for drawing out how non traditionally feminine she was when younger because I think that’s what makes a good retelling of someones life. Taking the time to focus in on those unique and surprising moments in someones life. The poem was a decent length as well. Not so full of facts that it just becomes a huge list of that persons entire life. You both did a great job…and I found myself thoroughly engaged.

    Sincerely Reegan

  2. heavyeyekandi Post author

    Dear Reegan
    I’m soo glad that you enjoyed our poem. I totally agree, I find non fiction really boring too and rarely read any. There is this really good non-fiction book called into the wild that you might find interesting.

  3. lizamkv

    Dearest Savannah,

    Thank you for writing such a playful yet heartwarming piece. Just from reading your poem , I can tell that June was an incredibly lovely and interesting woman to interview. Personally, I found this project a little difficult since I’m not used to writing biographically, and I thought you did a fantastic job at it.

    In terms of improvement, I’d recommend changing the colour of your text since it was really hard to read for me, even though I think it’s a really beautiful colour. In terms of your poem, I would love to see more poetic devices and more thoughtful uses of punctuation. This would really enhance your poem’s style.

    Loved this!



    • heavyeyekandi Post author

      Dear Liza
      Thank you so much I’m glad that you liked it!
      I will definitely go back and change the text color.
      I’m so sorry that it was hard to read.
      And I will try to use more poetic devices in my future poems.

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